Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
I was in my 7th grade health class when the teachers start talking about it then turn on the news , we watch in silence as the second plane hit the tower. Can't forget that moment, too surreal.

I picked up my daughter at school that day and she asked me if something bad had happened at my work. At the time, I worked in a 21 story office building. I told her that I was fine, and she said that mine was the tallest building she knew and that she heard two of the teachers saying that something bad had happened in a tall building.

SB - your description of your daughter's fears perfectly epitomize a child's perception of their world. Every building seems enormous to a child. I remember a few years ago I walked in the door and my 5 year old son came up to hug me as soon as I walked in the door. He started crying. When I asked him what was wrong, he said "I heard that there was a car accident from the radio. I thought you were hurt."