Hey Stern49,

Here is the 1990 Pennsylvania Crime Commission Report on Organized Crime. Please refer to page 70 that details Tony Grosso, the illegal numbers king who operated independently from LCN but paid tribute. Please refer to the second column on page 70, last paragraph and it explains how Bobby Iannelli took over Grosso's operation. Also refer to page 78, second column: Here is what the report confirms:

• Robert Iannelli, 60, 315 Thompson
Run Road, Pittsburgh, is a sports and
numbers bookmaker in Western
Pennsylvania. He has been a bookmaker
for over 30 years, with
gambling arrests dating to 1959.
Iannelli is an associate of the
LaRocca/Genovese LCN.

Also refer to page 122, 1st column, 1st paragraph. It states the following about Mauro Matone:

• Mauro P. Matone, 48, 925 East
End A venue, Wilkinsburg, is associated
with Family member Charles
Porter and Family associate Eugene
Gesuale. Matrone has been involved
in narcotics distribution and fencing
stolen property.

Here is the link to the report so you could see it for yourself: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/133208NCJRS.pdf

**Don't ever come on to a thread and discredit the hard work I have put into this project for a decade. It's people like you who should keep your mouth shut and listen because you may learn something. As for your source of Wikipedia, I feel bad for you that you rely on garbage for information.