Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: bobbytran
Leave the poor man alone, yeah he travels with a gun because the liberal media made him a target. I like how when this story first came out it was zimmerman threatens wife. Than by the end of the night it was Zimmerman assaulted his father in law. Than turned into Zimmerman broke his nose. WILL YOU LIBERALS LET IT BE. First off zimmerman didnt assault his FIL. If he did hed be put in cuffs no doubt about it. In florida you cant call the cops on your husband for beating you or someone else in the house, and than when the cops get their be like oh nevermind. The reason they didnt arrest zimmerman on assualt charges was because their was no sign that he laid a finger on anyone. Sure the guy has probably gone off the deep end a little but do you blame him? If he was sitting in his truck with a gun telling his wife to come closer or whatever than this should be looked at a domestic violence thing. Not the whole "OMG YOU SEE THIS MONSTER IS STILL ROAMING THE STREETS WITH A GUN, KILLING A BLACK BOY JUST BUYING SKITTLES WASNT ENOUGH, NOW HES GONNA KILL HIS FAMILY" thing a rest. The media made him out to be a monster, Hes a dumbass, yes, but a danger to society no. Im sure this isnt the first be fight him and wife have gotten into since February 26th, 2012.

and DonTomasso let me explain it to you, If Husband hits wife, wife calls police, and police show up and wife is bleeding, even if she begs the cops not to arrest husband they will. Thats FACT in Florida. Now the wife may not cooperate with the d.a.'s, hence will make them drop the case, but for initial arrest if their is sign of abuse the perpatrator will go to jail. So Zimmerman is not kicking his wife and fil's ass and their to scared to press charges because the minute he actually does and they report it hell be arrested. and NO their is not a separate court for domestic violence cases, they all get handled at the municipal, county court where all other traffic infractions and misdemeanors are heard, barring dui's and criminal traffic which are generally held at the circut court, so all you northern libs that think florida is some state where everything goes and nobody has to answer for their crimes than STOP FUCKING MOVING HERE WHEN YOU GET OLD AND DRIVING SLOW AS FUCK AND DRIVING UP THE HOME VALUES!

George Zimmerman raped his little cousin, fought the cops, and killed an unarmed teen

on top of that he attacks his father in law and threatens his wife with a gun

I think it's safe to say that Zimmerman might be a danger to society

Thanks for explainging the law to me, since you perceive I am a "northern lib." As it is I live in Florida, and have been practicing law here 36 years. I have a clue how domestic court works.

I also have a clue that we have a tea bagger governor and a rubber stamp legislature that enacts and enforces stupid laws like "stand your ground" because they do whatever the NRA and the Koch Brothers tell them to do. Now if they could only suppress the vote a little more it would be just perfect. the tea baggers would be more at home in Spain in 1950 than in most of the US.

Mark my words, this creep Zimmerman thinks he is above the law and just like O. J. Simpson it is going to catch up to him. I can't wait till he goes to prison and meets his roommate Big Bubba. "Bend over Zimmy."

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."