I was 10 years old, my parents were from NY, me and my brother both actually played hooky that day and pretended we were sick just so we could play on our new game boys, my mom said whatever its monday but we couldnt play with our friends on the weekends. My dad didnt go into work that day either since he had irregular work hours. I was out in the living room playing on my gameboy when my dad came bursting out of his room and turned on good morning America. About 5 minutes later the second plane hit on live t.v. I had 3 aunts, 2 uncles, and 2 cousins that lived up their. 1 uncle and 2 cousins firefighter volunteers in L.I. I remember the phone call that day talking to my aunt in oyster bay saying she could see the smoke from across the L.I. sound. I grew up in Florida so I didnt understand the signifigance of the towers. My cousins and uncle were on their way to the city when the towers fell, they themselves lost more than a dozen friends. It definitley changed my outlook on the world since I became interested in the world affairs after that. Despite being ten years old and being to young to understand the gravity of the situation as I do now I know how it feels to of heard my parents talk about it and my relatives seeing it firsthand. I remember what I ate for dinner that night, hamburgers, french fries, and a baked potatoe.