I was just pulling into my parking space at work when I heard the breaking report that the Trade Center was hit by a plane. I stayed in the car to listen long enough to hear that a second plane struck the other tower.

As I arrived and told those in the office what had happened, a friend rolled out a tv and we all watched what was taking place. I called my parents, who were home, but not watching tv, and we both tried to reach my brother, an investment banker who worked near the trade center, but cell service was impossible. We learned later he was still on summer schedule and was casually walking to work when he was stunned by the sight of people crying in the street. He soon learned the news.

I went home early that day, and I remember eating quite a bit of chocolate cake (My wife's birthday was the previous day and I always baked a big chocolate cake for her). Many parents picked up their young kids from school early that day. My wife suggested we do the same, so I got them a half hour before dismissal. They were too young then to comprehend what was happeniong.