I was in downtown Manhattan that day. I worked 6 blocks southwest of the WTC. Its a long story, but here are a few photos of that day. The first one was taken from Trinity Place where I first saw what had happened. I decided to get closer and the second picture was taken a few weeks later from the spot I was standing when WTC 2 came down. I was in a direct line with the building. At the end of the street you can see the skeletal structure of the building. When I saw and realized that the building was coming down, I turned and ran (along with hundreds of other onlookers). I ducked into a loading dock (pic 3). The cloud was black. That picture was taken 3 weeks after. ON the dash board of that car was an ID of a fireman or policeman, I don't remember which. I don't know his fate. In short, I survived with only some eye irritation. I walked 6 miles to a cousins apartment on 51st and 2 nd Ave. Later that day the subways began running. I got home to Suffern, NY at 9pm.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12