Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
These shots across the bow don't work and never have worked. They merely just piss off all sides involve and make us look like the bad guy to every conceivable side. If anything, they make things worse: our enemies know we are too weak to actually fight a real war. See Clinton bombing the aspirin factory, and the fallout with 9/11 (Osama said it was at that moment he knew america was too weak to take his organization on).

I see there being two coherent arguments: a call for a real war and a collecting of the chemical weapons with boots on the ground OR stay the f out and let allah sort it out. Anything else is just attempting to salvage Obama's rep with symbolism.

you mean America's reputation as the worlds protector

now we're getting into it with a country that's ready to use chemical weapons

we probably sold them the weapons but that's another topic

Yea, because America has such a great record on chemical weapons:


You should be slightly more questioning about horeshit humanitarian rhetoric and moralizing from cynical politicans. It's the oldest and most historically used trick in the book for starting aggressive conflicts. For some reason, I think if the president wasn't black or named George Bush you would be singing a different tune. Just admit you have undying loyalty to the man and are willing to have soldiers die for his incoherent, off the cuff remarks about red lines.

so it's obamas fault that he has to keep up Americas charade?

Syria used wmd on their own people so now freedom fighting USA has to step in