He is a Sicilian native who started out in Andrew Gerardo's crew, eventually moving up the ranks to take over when Gerardo retired. Not sure of a birth date, but the guy has to be at least 80. [Edit, he'll be 82 in November according to his AC exclusion record linked to below]

He was also convicted of killing a cop (though he didn't pull the trigger) in 1954 in connection with an armed robbery and was actually on death row until the death penalty was declared unconstitutional in NJ. He was eventually paroled sometime in the eighties; how I don't know, as it would have to be the dumbest parole board ever to let an ex-death row inmate, mob associate, and cop killer back out on the streets but then again, it is Jersey.

Last edited by Snakes; 09/09/13 09:12 PM.

"Snakes... Snakes... I don't know no Snakes."