He had a bar on bloomfeild ave since the 80s. Book, numbers, anything gambling. I think he came up under specs or blackie napoli as an associate, but from what i know he wasnt actually from down neck, hes from forest hills or somewhere i think. Shylocking and such came later, hes also notoriously cheap. As far as i know hes still got a lot of money but i read the transcripts of scoops saying he couldnt get any money from him.... He could be broke, but my opinion that remark just goes back to him being a tight wad. Also, there could be animosity between him and scoops. They both came up together, and neither really has a leg up on the other. Both have never done work and are basically career bookmakers. Beeps was official captain of that crew before he got replaced by scoops. Could go back to the fact that hes too cheap to give a full kick. Just my thoughts tho