Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I was aware of literally everything you posted above. Get back to me when you finally catch up to the present, Louie. If you read these cases in depth, is more smoke than anything. If you want to believe there's fire, go ahead. But it's probably more like smoke from cinders going out. Maybe a big Outfit labor union case is just around the corner that will prove me wrong. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Just answer yes or no
Are you more of an expert than former organized crime prosecutor Edwin Steir who in 2004 personally investigate the matter that we speak about and also the people that we speak about that are currently in power, in the teamsters?

A simple yes or no will suffice

Prosecutors office, crime commissions, nonprofit centers, etc., are notorious for exaggerating whatever nefarious activity they happen to be monitoring.

It's not too hard to connect those dots; monitoring those endeavors is their raison d'etre. They are also always making cases for more funding.

I brought the same point up yesterday to someone talking about the Souther Poverty Law Centers estimate of 12,000 KKK members. You can bet they counted every Billy Bob's uncle, cousin, everyone who had ever stopped at one going back to the 1950s.

The O'Hare and union stuff is interesting but all anyone is able to do is point to it as probable clout.

What else is the mob doing with these unions than hooking their relatives up with $50K a year jobs?