Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
Originally Posted By: ChardeeMcDennis
i don't see how massino or anyone else could have thought that mirra was in on it from the beginning and helped brasco infiltrate the family because when he got out of prison he had a series of sit downs over donnie brasco where he lied about brasco stealing 250k from him in a drug deal, the obvious motive being convincing the family that donnie should be killed. no informant would be dumb enough to do this to his FBI handler.

for this reason i (and probably massino and the rest of the bonnano higher ups) wouldn't believe that mirra knew that brasco was an agent, let alone brought him into the family as an undercover.
The sitdown wasn't about killing Brasco. Mirra didn't need permission to kill a lowly associate.

i think he would need permission, or at the very least he'd catch a ton of shit for killing brasco. at the end of the day brasco wasn't made but he was close to lefty and napolitano, they liked him and he made money for them. if a guy like mirra clipped donnie over some bullshit i think there would be problems. especially since was universally hated within the family, there was probably a ton of guys dying for an excuse to hit mirra.

and i agree with gary, the first sit down was about ownership, mirra lost, then he made up some bullshit about donnie and another associate who coincidentally was an undercover cop fucking him over on a drug deal stealing 250k. basically his jealousy of donnie becmoing close with lefty and sonny paired with his "if i can't have him noone can" attitude is the reason for the bullshit 250k accusation. he wanted donnie to get clipped.

and although the people above obviously don't agree i don't believe that a made guy can ALWAYS just clip any associate just because of his rank, life is rarely that black and white, there's plenty of other factors to take into consideration. donnie was close with bonnano members far more powerful than mirra so no way he could just kill him and not catch a ton of shit or even get killed himself over it.

i'm sorry but i just don't buy that the rule is completely black and white that any made man can kill any associate and nothing happen about it. if the associate in question is well liked or a big earner then killing him is bound to piss off some members.

Last edited by ChardeeMcDennis; 09/05/13 07:36 AM.

"It's not personal Sonny, it's strictly business"