Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
He just posted tons of links of proof and you still come up with some excuse. Why don't you put up some links saying the opposite?

Did you bother reading the links? They hardly prove what louie is saying/wishing.

Look at the labor racketeering cases - or lack thereof - in Chicago for more than a decade now; especially after several mobbed up union guys were ousted in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Or try actually reading the Stier report all the way through like I did. There's not a lot there, at least anything that resulted in an indictment.

What you get with union racketeering in Chicago, like so many things related to the Outfit, is so much rumor, speculation, conjecture, etc. The O'Hare article is one example. This guy is connected to that guy, who knows that guy, who was this guys kid, so there may be a mob connection here. Or one guy (Peluso) getting his job back? Wow. A bullet left in the mailbox of a guy speaking out against Local 330? And that proves....? Stier's comments? Why did nothing in his report result in a single case brought by the Justice Department?

Like I keep saying, the devil is in the details and you actually have to read more than just the headlines (or the parts louie chooses to post). After the Family Secrets case, Ronald Goldstock said, "What you're seeing in Chicago and elsewhere are mopping up operations." Outfit historian John Binder said "they still have some labor racketeering." I could agree with that. But not with them having pervasive control over the Teamsters locals in Chicago like Steir says (and louie and you wish was true.)

Last edited by IvyLeague; 09/05/13 12:34 AM.

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