Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
people go into the woods and gun down anything they see while hunting

then take a picture smiling with the dead animal carcass

it's official: you are the dumbest person that i've ever met on the internet period. every single one of the comparisons that you use are the most idiotic, illogical posts i've seen anywhere. do you have even the slightest fucking clue about hunting? you don't walk into the woods and gun down anything. you get a license, you get a certain number of tags for big game animals such as deer. you adhere to the seasons. hunters contribute far more to wildlife conservation than any of those silly animal rights activist groups. deer are a serious problem in many areas. they destroy crops, but more importantly they pose a serious risk to motorists. staten island has a deer problem for fucks sake. people who pose with the game that they harvested do so because it's a serious accomplishment, not nearly as easy as just pointing a gun and shooting. on top of all that, wild game meat is some of the healthiest protein you can consume, and it tastes amazing.

The first time I killed a deer, it was like I hit a hole in one. I shot it right between its eyes and it split the deer's head in half.