Thanks, TonyB! Cool info. Ivan - listen to Tony. He is one of the guys I told you that could answer any question for you way better than me.

WMAQ 670 AM radio. I guess an explanation is in order... Okay, to the best of my recollection, WMAQ was a country radio station back in the 70's in Chicago. They would randomly dial phone numbers (long before caller ID) and if you picked up the phone and answered; "WMAQ is gonna make me rich!" You won big time cash prizes. If you answered; "Hello?" you were disqualified automatically - even if you followed the hello with the phrase that pays.

Then they gave away thousands of bumper stickers and if you were spotted by the WMAQ promotions team on the road, they announced your license plate number over the air and you had a certain amount of time to call in and claim your prize! By the way, if you ever changed that station in my dad's car there would be hell to pay. The old WMAQ bumper sticker matched the colors on the brown panel board station wagon!

My wife tells me that during the run of this contest, her grandfather practically run over people to answer the phone. He was convinced he would win and didn't want anyone else screwing it up for him. Bless his dear departed heart - he never did win the contest.