Originally Posted By: F_white
Ivy you forgot to call him a ni**er bc that what you want to say.

If I didn't get suspended or banned for using that term, which I don't use that often, I certainly would apply it to Vick. If the shoe fits....

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
you do realize that fully initiated members of the mafia are thugs?

you don't seem to have a problem with them so why so much hate for vick?

either way it goes vick killed a dog, Zimmerman killed a human

if there is a hell then George Zimmerman is going

More stupid statements from you....

Who said I don't have a problem with Mafia members? I've always called them crooks and killers and gotten after board members who worship them.

Once again, the dogs were innocent. Treyvon was not.

Third, Zimmerman isn't going to hell for defending himself, no matter how much you wish he were.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.