if it wasn't such a serious issue, it would be a bit funnier, but what the hell is wrong with john mccain? i seriously can't remember when his answers to seemingly all foreign problems hasn't been military intervention. it's a bit puzzling to me given his P.O.W. status. you would think, or in his case hope, that someone who has gone through such an ordeal as a direct result of a misguided war would try their best to make sure others can avoid the same fate. the guy is a toxic person, and the sooner he's gone, the better!

it's nice to see that public pressure has thrown a monkey wrench into the grand designs of certain authoritarians. cry looks like our dear leader will seek congressional approval before taking any military action.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 08/31/13 02:49 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!