Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
Who's got more info on ninny and what his crew is into? Also who is In his crew?

His last two busts, in 2003 and 2004, involved mostly illegal gambling. Huge bookmaking operation that stretched throughout the state. The 2004 bust, which also included Larry Dentico, even included Genovese a bookmaking operation that had opened up in Philadelphia.

I think its crazy how much activity is in jersey as a whole from the philly guys to ny fams and the decavalcantes. Always curious with the decavalcantes current situation.. Are they getting all their rackets slowly eaten up by the westside and gambinos? Or do they still hold some strenght in certain areas of jersey? Wonder if they have made some young guys and are still trying to keep it going? Curious to see what will happen when abramo, vitabile get back on the street

If you look at the relatively recent cases involving the DeCavalcantes, even the big one back in the late 1990's and early 2000's, they don't seem to have a big stake in the gambling and loansharking rackets in the state, which seem to be run mostly by the NY families. Traditionally, their niche was always labor racketeering in the construction industry through their control of the Laborers Union, especially Local 394. A lot of DeCavalcante guys got ousted from the union and Local 394 was put under oversight back in 2006. It remains to be seen if that will be successful in eliminating their influence. The relative lack of activity over the past decade seems to suggest the family has been running on fumes. The NJ OC report back in 2004 said the family was "undergoing reorganization and re-entrenchment at the hands of a skeleton crew of non-indicted members."

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