Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Affordable Care At whis is going to work!

try your spell check! wink

are you so sure that it will work? answer me this, how on earth does having employers cutting hours or getting rid of or stalling on hiring new employees to stay within certain criteria help us in the big picture? if this act is so great, than why has there been so many pushes from so many different groups to be exempt? so congress will be required to go through the exchanges. its a damn good thing that they won't continue to recieve any sort of a federal contribution to the plans that they purchase, which if it was the case would basically amount to these trusted representatives being exempt from the same financial concerns that many share with regards to this legislation. shhh

my advice to you would be to start brainstorming, come up with the excuses now as to why it was a trainwreck. my advice, i would claim that it was the fault of the racist rightwing nutjobs. oh, and maybe work bush in there somehow!

the government fucks up every single big project that they get into, i can't think of really anything worthwhile that they've accomplished on a large scale, other than maybe the creation of the national parks. as far as agencies, the only one that does a decent job imo is the department of fish, game and wildlife.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!