Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I wouldn't say it's small or insignificant. That minority is also quite vocal. I've spoken to enough people who actually believe some of the lies that I can't consider it "small".

As for what he's done besides get Bin Laden? How about when he took office, the Dow was scraping 7,000 and it's double that now. That means that everyone's retirement account has followed suit. Housing is in recovery. His auto industry bailout worked, and Cash for Clunkers succeeded beyond anyone's expectations. Unemployment is down as well.

I would like to point out the auto bailout was mostly ACORN funds, which Bush pre-approved before he left office.

But of all the things you mentioned how many of those can be directly attributed to Obama? Those industries and the DOW (with the exception of the auto) recovered on its own. It's like the saying with mother nature: you leave it alone, sooner or later it comes back. Unemployment is not as bad, but it needs to be down a lot further. I think it's still around 7. I'm not just discrediting Obama, I'm discrediting our government as a whole, that refuses to compromise, refuses to pass a budget, and has become more useless than the dirt on my shoes. It's outrageous.

As for the Affordable Care Act, we will see how successful it's going to be when costs rise, companies start cutting hours and hire only part time.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone