all american males age 18-25 jhave to register for the selective service list.

aside from that who ever siad why dont we take thier weapons away, where the one who gave them thier weapons to begin with, just like when we gave alqueda weapons and CIA trianing to take on russia, they later used that CIA trianing agisnt us( hence 9/11)... WE NEED TO MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS, BUT WHEN CHEMICAL WEAPONS ARE USED AGIANST INOCENT CHILDREN WE NEED EVALUATE IT AND POSSIBLy DOSOMETHING.

were really in our a rough shape as a country ourselves whos to sya we wont have a civil war 15 years from they haves agianst the have nots.

THE americans, brittish and french will be the frist to do anything if anyone does.