Originally Posted By: Camarel
I don't get the US hate towards the UK

i don't either, but i don't think the majority of americans feel that way. alot of it stems from the silly stereotypes of the arrogant, cocky, know-it-alls that they are often portrayed as in tv/movies.

i'm also a bit confused as to why so many here are trying to seemingly frame the country almost as a failed state. sure, the economy has hit a rough patch, but its held up much better than many other european countries, and its hardly a problem that we are exempt from over here. i'm no fan of the "big-brother" style of government over there, and the welfare system sure could use a tweaking, but again, that goes for us over here as well.

on top of all that, i've always found the culture over there very interesting, and it helped form the base of ours to boot. you guys brew some of the best beers in the world, and most of the popular american styles originated in the uk, with ipa's being a prime example. you guys have without a doubt the highest quality and best varieties of distilled spirits in the world, i'm a big fan of glenfiddich 12 y/o! you guys also have a real under-rated food scene as well, i love fish and chips with malt vinegar! plus, gordon ramsey is one of the most talented and entertaining chefs in the world! cool

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!