Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
Hell we have to carry and save the Brits and French all the time anyways, who cares what they think? Haha

This could get good though if we hit Syria, then Syria and Iran hits Israel. I just don't think we'd hold them back if attacked. But I'm also afraid it would provoke us into ground action, and I just don't want to see that at all in this mess. I agree our ONLY fight in this is the concern over chemical weapons. Desperate people do desperate things, if he will use it on his own people he is bound to do it to others they DON'T LIKE.

Thing is now Obama has to back up his crossing the line speech or he looks weak.

lol In no way has the US ever carried the UK. For instance there was about 15000+ more UK troops at the Normandy landings than US. I heavily respect the US as our allies, i don't get why a random amount of hate has came out in this thread towards the UK. After 9/11 the UK were one of the first countries to offer aid to the US in many different ways. Apparently our massive 7th century muslim population would've been celebrating, but i'm willing to bet 99.0+ instantly condemned it.

I don't get the US hate towards the UK, we sent 10000's of troops to join you in Iraq and Afghanistan. How many did Israel send? Don't get me wrong though i heavily support Israel.