Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
For what it´s worth, Costello was sentenced to a 10 month prison term back in 1915 for carrying a pistol. This doesn´t necessarily mean that he was a gunner, but apparently he was not totally unaccostomed to firearms.

Yeah, the Sullivan act was passed in 1911, requiring a permit for a concealed gun. I read that most ny citizens could not afford the $3 registration fee. I could be wrong but Costello seemed more on the white collar, business side of things. It's anyones guess what may have happened during prohibition and or a mob war.

From Kefauver Senate hearings:

Mr. Halley. What was your first occupation, the first business or occupation in which you engaged ?
Mr. Costello. I believe I worked in a piano factory, I told you.
Mr. Halley. Then I think after that, was it right after that that you were convicted on this gun charge ?
Mr. Costello. Yes, 1915, I believe.
Mr. Halley. After you were released from jail, what did you do then? Where did you work, or what occupation did you have?
Mr. Costello. Well, we were manufacturing— with a fellow named Horowitz, manufacturing kewpie dolls.
Mr. Halley. That was not a successful enterprise, was it ?
Mr. Costello. Well, we did all right with it. What do you call successful?

Last edited by ht2; 08/28/13 05:33 PM.