Originally Posted By: mulberry
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

I'm not sure we should necessarily assume the Costello hit was the only one Gigante was involved in. Nor do we know if those other guys were not personally involved in hits.

I'm making a mockery of their claims that guys like Gambino and Bonanno never killed anyone. People don't just become feared and respected mafia capos and then bosses for no reason. The only one who possibly didn't make his bones was Castellano. He was riding Gambino's coattails. He wasn't feared or respected by many in his family because his soldiers didn't believe he made his bones.

I see. Well, it's a rather futile discussion because there's just no way to know with some of these guys, one way or the other.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.