Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Five. YOu said and I quote; "on top of that, i'm sick and tired of us as a country having to flood them with money. let them do what they want, let the cards fall where they may, i don't care."

correct, but i sure didn't follow it up with anything like "we should give all of the foreign aid marked for israel to palestine instead so that the can get rid of them". my point is, and has been pretty simple and consistent: the middle- east is a powder keg that has already exploded due to people on all sides. we have no business getting involved. we don't have the money to get involved. we should fix the countless problems over here before going around as the policemen of the world proclaiming ourselves the keepers of all that is right and just. i'm sick of it. i'm sick of the constant war. i'm sick of living in a country where i feel the economy is bound to implode. i'm sick of this highschool like "click" attitude that we have employed to no end over the years that leaves us no other option than to side with our "friends" even when we weren't directly involved with the problem in the first place. i'm sick of living in a country that always thinks they are on the right side when violence is concerned. i'm sick of all of the countless lies, deceit, and abuses of our freedoms here at home shoved down our throats all done or directly attributed to the problems in the middle-east.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!