Originally Posted By: dixiemafia

I'm with you again Vinnie, I wish Iran would have the balls to try to go to war with Israel. Many people don't realize that if we let Israel loose they would wipe most of those Middle Eastern countries off the map. They are begging to do it and as usual the U.S. is holding them back. I honestly hope for once we let them fight, as they would embarrass Iran in a full out war. We have had plenty of war games with Israel and their fighter pilots are some of the best out there. Please Iran buck up and watch what happens!

Thanks DIxie. Israel has the best army in the world outside of the US. They could wipe these fucks back into the stone ages... or, since they already live in the stone ages further back than that.

Peace and love peace and love. Either same something of consequence or SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Chris rock is a funny guy. BUt if you go to him for politics it reveals where your at intellectually. He is another liberal celebrity who falls in line with the rest of the rich drones.

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 08/27/13 07:30 PM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.