Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Uh....we want to prop up a al queda lead rebellion trying to step up a islamic state in syria why?

to keep the military industrial complex going strong, pure and simple. to delve a bit deeper into it, the majority of the western world is sick to hell of our constant war, so as of right now we have neither the world support or the domestic support to put "boots on the ground". that sure can change though if assad is taken out of the picture and the "terrorists", who we are now backing, take over. it then becomes much easier to spin it that going in is necessary to stop AQ and keep us safe. sadly, most of the idiots in this country will go along with that narrative, some people just never learn.

all that aside, this latest "chemical weapons" attack reeks of bullshit to me. first off, how do we even know these weapons were used, because we were shown some pictures of dead children and told so? second, even if they were used, how can we be sure it was the assad regime that used them? again, because we were told so. why would the assad regime, who have stabalized the situation to a degree in recent weeks, use chemical weapons when the west has said on numerous occasions that they would intervene if that was the case? the answer, i doubt he would and this is nothing more than more propaganda being shoved down our throats, truely sickening! if chemical weapons were used, my money would be that it was the rebels, possibly with some shady backing. when i hear this kind of shit, my mind asks me who benefits the most from an attack, and in this case the answer is as plain as day.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!