Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Another great episode. Walt seemingly takes care of one problem but now has another. I can't even imagine how this will all end.

I liked it too. Did you see the look on Hank and Maries faces as they watched Walts "confession"? Priceless! And when Hank found out that Marie took money from Walt and Skylar for his medical bills. lol!

Well it looks like Jesse finally snapped. Wonder how far he'll really go? We know Walt will make it to the final episode but maybe Jesse will try to hurt his family? Possible.

I expect to see Lydia and her new crew next week. Maybe they try to get Walt to unretire again and he refuses so that would set up a showdown between them. He wanted that M60 for a reason and i think those guys are possibly it. Could be wrong though.

I hate waiting another week. I wish they made it 4 2hr episoodes instead of 8 1hr shows. It goes by much too quickly for me. Just as i'm really getting into the show it's over.