Originally Posted By: BarrettM

No..there most definitely is. Ricca killed Emilio Parillo in Italy and Matt Kolb in Chicago. Siegel had a murder charge on his record and insisted on being involved in the Allie Green murder in LA.

Good call on Angelo Caruso being Maranzano's Underboss. People don't realize that most of the time, the Underboss isn't the Don's right hand so much as he's the guy with the second most street power. Bonanno may well have been the #2 of the Castallamarese faction, but he was not the #2 of the Maranzano. That was Caruso, who headed the non-Castallamarese wing.

The Parillo killing is also alleged to have been personal. That would not qualify as making your bones. If Seigel didn't pull the trigger, then he didn't get his hands dirty according to the thread. The entire Genovese leadership since Vito Genovese have never killed anyone according to the thread. They just magically ascended to the top of the most powerful and feared organized crime family in NYC.