Originally Posted By: Lilange
Since they removed Anthony Calagna sr and junior local 295/851 ( they are one local now)
And all of the luchesse influence within the p&w dept of the union ( this is the big money part) their correct it was unsuccessful now you have for every one union trucking co or cargo handling agent 15 that are nonunion. starting pay for any airport job in 1982 was 18+ an hour. Lucky if its 10 an hour now. This has nothing to do with the economy when the mob ran this union everyone was union every airline that pushed cargo every trucker that picked up or dropped off in JFK. Not they way anymore as far as 295/851 goes I think the trusteeship worked to well. Lucky if the union will last another 10 years

I agree with you as far as IBT Local 295 and JFK airport goes. Significant mob influence there was removed 20 years ago.

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
nick ferriola jr "made his bones" in this day and age by not ratting

he earned respect for not ratting and was a good bookie

him working at mccormick place ain't a shock but it is suspicious

First, Nick Ferriola was identified as an associate in the Family Secrets case. Second, even if he had "made his bones" at some point (i.e. killing somebody), how would you know about it?

Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
So everybody thinks its a coincidence that Coli, Glimco and Romanazzi are top union leaders for the teamsters.

The only thing besides the fact that they're top teamster labor leaders, that they have in common. Is the fact that theyre all relatives to made members. They also were brought into the union by the mob in the 70s and 80s, when they, backed up by google, ran those unions.

Joseph Sensese was put into the union by Dominick Sense a made member of the Chicago mob. As we speak Joseph Senese is the national president of the workers union.

You guys actually think this is all a coincidence.None of you find this the least bit suspicious, considering the only other people to run these unions have Been mobbed up, some for 80 plus years.

In my opinion and also because I have common sense , if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.........

It's a duck.

No, I don't think it's a coincidence at all. I have no doubt they obtained those positions through family connections.

Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
Just because something has been indicted doesn't mean it didn't happen, it just means there's not enough evidence to prosecute.

For instance,
We know for a fact , based on FBI informants,affidavidts and surveillanc by not only them but the ATF as well, that as of 2008 , Frank "tootsie babe" Caruso was a Mob Capo turning over money to Street Boss Mike Sarno.
This money I'm sure wasn't legal, and they have surveillance and them meeting and speaking on cellular phones.
Also it was said that Sarno was kicking up money to John Difronzo as of then as well.

These guys havent been indicted since 94 , but it doesn't mean they're not operating.

I've addressed this point of yours several times before. This explanation may work in the short term but, as more time goes by, it becomes weaker and weaker.

Your problem is that it takes just the smallest bit of news or evidence for you to start running wild and making all sorts of claims, while filling in any unknown areas with guesswork.

Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
I would say somewhere in the neighboorhood of 40members including those incarcerated and another 250 or so associates

More guesswork, considering the feds cited 25-30 members and a little over 100 associates.

Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
I'm sure you have an exhaustive list, but the Caparelli case is currently winding its way through the Federal Court system and then last year you had Michael Sarno Convicted along with Casey Sarflazki. Sarflazki is big in Video Poker for the 26th street crew and his daughter recently married 26th street crew Capo Frank Carusos son , Frank Caruso jr, who's a convicted felon. He was convicted in 1997 for a racial beating , where the judge was sequestered admit reports of the mob putting a hit on his life, and. I'm sure like his father and uncles and grand father and great unles before him, a future member of the mob(if he's not already)

Yes, I do have a pretty exhaustive list. Which helps me to see the big picture, over the past decade or so, and not single out one article or one bust.

Originally Posted By: DB
Are these labor issues LCN related ?

They seem more like civil disputes / matters

That's a good question. Fosco brought his own civil RICO suit against DiFronzo and others.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 08/24/13 03:01 PM.

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