As for Albert DeMeo, the problem with his book is that IMO he's full od moral duplicity. In some way, he recognizes that what his father was doing was wrong but on the other hand he wants glamorize "the life" and his father, even if he doesn't do it directly. He boasts about what he himself did and that he was partly involved in crew's business (suppose it's true, which I personally don't believe). I find it unfair that he attacks Capeci for writting that book but he fails to give a single example where Capeci is 'lying' about DeMeo crew activities and murders. He just tries to discredit the book because Capeci didn't "know" Roy as much as he did and that his source was Montiglio who was supposedly a drug addict. He looks down on his coworkers and other people fascinated with Mob and "murder machine" but he's not much better than them selling his father's ties on the internet and his father's legacy in general.