Originally Posted By: bobbytran
But im sure if someone asked you to kill your best friend you wouldn't no because killing is wrong, but because thats your friend. Now if you didn't have any emotional attachment to anyone, and in a profession where you were told to kill a.k.a. the demeo crew, you would be liable to kill anyone in your path or you were told to kill. People that have corporate jobs and are psychopaths, sociopaths, they don't kill anyone because its not standard business practice, but im sure if fucking their best friend over would advance them in the company they would do it with no second thought. Before my point that I made is forgotten, I stated that psychopaths are functional. But not feeling empathy for someone you dont know is normal, but im sure if that bum was bleeding dying on the road you would help me and feel some sense of sorrow, youre taking my point and making it to broad.

The supposed character traits of psychopaths, as defined by the DSM, are so broad to begin with that practically anyone could be labeled a psychopath for being too full of themselves or for not having excessive emotional attachments.

My point is that it's all so much bunk. I mean The Chin had conned/bribed shrinks into thinking/testifying as to his mental unfitness, had he not?

As for soldiers, I do not believe they are "trained" not to care. Rather they are "born" soldiers. Just like some people are born, that is have an instinctual proclivity, for a certain vocation. In the case of DeMeo and his crew, I think it's safe to say that they were born mobsters, as are, I'm sure, countless others. But unlike the vast majority of people born with the "mobster" gene, they, being favored by chance, had the perfect opportunity to act out on impulses that would otherwise have to be sublimated. That's if you buy into that Freudian psychobabble. smile