Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
I am 100% italian. Does that mean that all of my family actually traces back there? No. Thousands of people were raped in southern Italy by Norman's, Moors, and others in that area. Many people in my family look middle eastern, Indian, or Hispanic. Many people in my family have African features. Myself included somewhat. Would a DNA test say whether or not my ancestors were one of the people raped? No. That's why a DNA test is pointless when trying to determine our ancestry.

Go to Italy and try telling them you're 100% Italian. You're born in america, you're american.

Guess what? You're 100% right lol. I call myself american before italian. I am American cultured not italian. I am american cultured with a strong sense of italian culture. The italian culture is getting a lot more Americanized in America. My parents would be considered more italian than American but my generation is pretty much just 100% American like you said.