Originally Posted By: joey_dice
Insult you, when did I insult you. Disagreeing with you is insulting you. Okay whatever, sounds to be your adopted and your just trying to justify how you think regardless of the truth.

Again, you don't walk on water. Your opinions aren't fact. When you said "well most of us live in reality", that's an insult. "Regardless of the truth", when you talk like that you just come off as arrogant. Not insulting you or anything, I'm just saying that you have an opinion and I have one. And for your info, no I am not adopted. I can see why you might think that based on my stance in this convo, but I know people who were adopted. I have family who was adopted. You have to be in that position to judge which you obviously aren't. Sorry but in my opinion you are WRONG. Just like in your opinion I am WRONG.