I appreciate that post Lic, I know Fat Als a fucking rat fuck and claimed to be taking over the Boston Mob scene, but dimed that whole crew out and.couldn't even show his face in Somerville. His brother John, the degenerate gambler use to own Supreme Kitchen right up the street from me, but had to sell it cause he owes fucking everyone. The prick even asked through a friend to borrow money from me. I've lived in Somerville my whole life, but my family is from Ctown, Cambridge and some live in Medford. You must know my family if u grew up with billy. I just got pissed when u called me a joke cause im.definitly.not a joke. Everything I post is legit. I called u a rat cause of all the little tid bits u were throwing out about billy. Im no rat, my generation is obviously a little younger then yours. Some of my best friends are dead and we were all Somerville boys with fathers and uncles invovled in all this shit. I can say this stuff cause I know it and been through it. Im no bollshiter, and I respect everything u say, but when name calling starts u know how us Bostonians get, we r all hot heads, which Im sure people can tell by reading these threads.