Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Especially since Sicilians have italian names. For instance, someone can have the last name calogero and be from Sicily while someone else can have that same last name and be from Torino.

I'm sure you meant Calogero as a first name, not last.

And I'm going to disagree with you on this. First names in Italy and Sicily are just as regional as last names are. You can tell where a person is from many times just by their first name.

For instance, Giancarlo is a northern name, not very common at all in sicily. The member here Giancarlo would tell you this, but that's not his real name.

Idk. There's names like Salvatore that are used in all regions of Italy. There are last names like Russo that can be found in all regions of Italy. And calogero is a first and last name. Just like the name Carlo for instance. That's why I never go by names because someone can have any italian last name and they can be from anywhere in Italy.

Calogero is a last name? Please PLEASE show me somebody that has the last name Calogero.

First names are regional, just as last names are. You're out of your element on this one. That's not to say you won't see some northern names in the south and vice versa, but there are definitely names that will be mainly found in the north and names that will mainly be in the south.

edit: You're right about the last name Calogero. It's around but rare. I asked my husband and he said it does exist as a surname, so my apologies on that, you are right.

Last edited by carmela; 08/18/13 06:13 PM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.