Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Originally Posted By: mulberry
You think Gotti did him and Gravano forgot about the hit when he flipped but he remembered all the other hits and crimes going back to his days as a Ramper? Okay whistle

If you'll go off of what little facts we have, then yes I do. Rotondo held sway on the Brooklyn Waterfront and was making guys from that area. Why would the Genovese care then, unless they were trying to set up Gotti, you say? They could have been. But it's only speculation. Anthony Rotondo, a direct source agrees with me. Ill agree to disagree with you. I don't think the Genovese are sloppy enough to directly let the entire DeCavalcante Family fall in to Gotti's lap. I believe it was his power grab.

You saying gotti did it is "only speculation" as well. How would his son know for sure ask yourself.