I think Ivy might be saying will their be anything new from probably the last generation of the mob. Everything you guys have mentioend have been from the mobs power days, all the good stories are from a by gone era. What kind of story will the next generation be telling, or will the best stories be from a by gone era. What kind of stories will the mob in 2015 be making that people will takk about like we do the mob from the 80's. There will be no more union co0ntrol to talk about, the days of mob wars are probably all behind us. What will be the relevent discussion, turning gambling money into legit businesses, how the bosses hide because they feared RICCO. We all grew up on stories of the prohibition mob, the mob of the 60's, 70's, mob wars, hits, union control, we grew up on stories about Lucky, Lansky, Seigal, Capone, we had the Valantines days masacure, The KC Masacure, Vegas, The Banana war, Colombo war, Philly War, River Quey war, Danny Greene war, this stuff will never happen again, this stuff is part of history, but what today will be the history of the future, what kind of story and will it tell.

Last edited by joey_dice; 08/17/13 03:25 PM.