On Sunday night I went to see The Godfather which was showing for one night only at a cinema in London's West End. It was amazing. Obviously I've seen the film on dvd, tv and video numerous times, but seeing it on the big screen was a whole new experience. It just has so much more impact on a cinema screen - the colours, the noises, the small facial expressions you miss on a tv screen, and the peripheral activity at either end of the screen. When Michael is sat in the restaurant with McClusky and Solozzo, you can hear the train sounds as if its all around you. Or when Clemenza kills Carlo, Carlo's foot shoots straight out at you through the windscreen and the sound of the glass breaking is deafening. The horse's head also looks a lot more gruesome that size!!

Anyway, I got to thinking - what films have you never seen on the Big Screen but would really like to?

...there's people who would pay a lot of money for that information. But then your daughter would lose a father..instead of gaining a husband.