Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
scumbag Snowden.(...) what this kid did (that the Rosenthals .

You mean letting the world know how much the NSA is spying the communication on each and every-one of us?

I hate to hijack Ronnie's thread because I like him. But yeah, that's exactly what I meant. Freedom isn't free, pal. If you didn't learn that from your Nazi forebearers, then you'll never get it. But I'd expect nothing less from the peanut gallery that makes up the European Left. After all, and I hate to beat a dead horse here, you're the same guy who admonished us Americans for cheering when that piece of shit bin-Laden caught one in the eye. Your contempt for this great country isn't even thinly veiled anymore, and everyone here knows it (why do you think your thread on the pressure cooker was such a flop?)

So here's hoping that Bradley Manning gets twenty to life, and that scumbag Snowden gets to stay in Russia for the rest of his life at the expense of never being able to see his family again. Unless he man's up, comes home, and faces the music. Then I'll actually have a modicum of respect for the guy. But in the interim, I hope he chokes to death on a bowl of borscht.

I have to agree with this and the other Pizzaboy comments. Don't see how anyone in their right mind could think conservatives love Putin or any other KGB officer