Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
The $200 million figure I remember from Binder's book; I'd have to go back and check. I could be wrong. But that is interesting on how they came up with that... I know Fosco thought it was very inflated too, for what that's worth.

In terms of the murders and the question "if they still kill" look at it this way. It's estimated that since its founding the Outfit has been responsible for 3,000 murders. So if you broke it down between, say, 1920-1990, that's about 43 murders per year.

These days they haven't even committed a (known) murder since 2007.

In other words if you plotted it out on a chart it would something like the slope of Mt. Everest, and practically speaking we are at the bottom.

If it was a heartbeat the doctors would say "turn off the machine."

I'm not saying "it's over," as there are still guys out there making money.

But it's damn close.

Yeah, the writing is on the wall, just as it is for the other small families remaining outside New York.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.