Are you serious? Jersey Joe was 38 and 39 when he fought The Rock. It was the last fight of Joe Louis career or close to it. He was broke and owed a fortune so he took the fight.

Seriously i don't want to bad mouth Marciano but c'mon now. Who took a punch better then Ali? Ali would of been dancing circles around Marciano. Liston would of ko'd him same with Foreman, Shavers and all those HUGE sluggers. I think Holmes would of beaten him and Lennox Lewis probably too. You know those big guys with the great jabs. Tyson i think would of KO'd Rocky too.

I'm italian and i'm glad Marciano went undefeated but i just don't think he was as good as his record would seem to make him.

But if you think he was.. then great. It's just our opinions. Thats why we're all fans.

I definitely don't mean to insult Marciano, he fought everyone that was around at the time.