Originally Posted By: LittleMan
The interesting part of Rocky Marciano's legacy is simply this.....what if he indeed had one loss? Then his record would be 49-1. Imo, that one loss would have dropped him way down the all time ranks. Contrastly, when Ali, Foreman, Holmes, Frazier, Tyson, and Louis lost a fight at the end of their careers, it didn't damage their legacies very much.

Camarel, I like your top ten list. I especially like that you gave both Holmes and Foreman their proper credit as I believe they both are underrated when discussing the all time greats.

However, I'd have Lennox Lewis higher on the list as he was the top heavyweight of his generation. Tyson would be left off as his greatest win was against a small Michael Spinks. Both Klitchko brothers make my list. I think that large, tall, athletic heavyweights have a big advantage over shorter opponents 40-60 pounds lighter.

We'll have to agree to disagree about Mike, i believe the 80's Tyson could have bet just about anyone. As well as his well documented power he had amazing speed and reflexes after the Douglas fight he was never really the same though. Also i'd say Berbick, "bonecrusher" Smith, Tucker, Tubbs and Bruno were all tough competition. And even though he was a shadow of his former self Holmes was still a good HW, i totally agree that a prime Holmes would;ve annihilated Tyson though.

I admit i have a bias against the Klitschko brothers and just about any HW of this generation. Just because their brand of boxing is so boring. I'll give it to them though Wlad is by far the best HW of this generation and Vitali has one of the best chins i've ever seen.