Crew affiliation not necessarily meant anything in regards to who the members were loyal to. What I mean to say is that while some soldires in one crew were loyal to Orena, other soldiers in the same crew stayed loyal to Persico. And most of the guys Orena promoted wasn´t necessarily members of crews that had been led by the captains he demoted.

The administration of the Colombo Family looked like this (1990):

Boss - Carmine Persico (IP)
Acting boss - Vic Orena
Underboss - Benny Aloi (IP)
Consigliere - Carmine Sessa

The captains were (just before the outbreak of the war):

- Bill Cutolo
- Patsy Amato
- Joseph Scopo
- Teddy Persico Sr (IP)
- Richie Fusco
- Tony "Black" Induisi
- "Little Allie Boy" Persico (IP)
- Anthony "Chuckie" Russo
- Joseph "JoJo" Russo
- John Pate

In a bold move (without Persico´s permission), Orena demoted these guys just before the outbreak of the war:

Carmine Sessa, Teddy Persico Sr, Fusco, Chuckie Russo, JoJo Russo and John Pate. He replaced them with Patsy Amato (promoted to UB, but demoted after a few months), Joe Scopo (to UB), Vinny Aloi, John Orena, Sal Miciotta, Jimmy Randazzo and Nicky "Black" Grancio.

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