Originally Posted By: Chicago
Yes, It's a lot of money they're leaving on the table, but with it comes jail sentences based on the RICO LAW and attorney's fees.
So, when you add that into the equation, how much money is really being left on the table versus making money in legitimate business and using the Outfit's connections to do it with no jail time and no attorney's fees and no additional stress on your wife and family.

I think something that gets lost on these boards is how much easier it was to break the law years ago. Pre wire tapping, pre video surveilance, pre RICO, pre cell phone and computer trails... hell Hoover didn't even admit organized crime existed for a long time.

Long story short we all remember when we were kids and you could take advantage of people's niavity.

Once society isn't naive, it becomes a different ballgame. Getting away with stuff is probably thousands of times harder today than it was even back in the 60s.