Here's my opinion on this issue regarding PB and Dwalin's argument. You appreciate and honor the troops that fight and die to protect your country. I love sixties music, and I agree with much of that culture except one thing: the fact that Vietnam vets TO THIS DAY don't get the respect they deserve and back then it was worse. I respect every branch of the military that defends the United States.

That being said when a soldier goes on a psychotic rampage and commits atrocities you try them and prosecute them just like any other war criminal. But no one sit here and say the military and organizations like the FBI and the CIA deserve to be shit on. They keep us safe, plain and simple. I think there's a line, and the NSA may have crossed it, but Snowden and Manning should be locked up and have the key thrown away. They revealed things that should not have been revealed. In the end, I hate Obama, I hate left pinkos, I hate right wing nut jobs, I dislike our current partisan attitude in Congress and the fact that all these fucking politicians are in it for themselves. But keep in mind that there are people in this world that want all of us dead with the power to do so. I won't shit on our military and secret organizations who do their job in protecting us from these enemies

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone