Originally Posted By: Caemine718
Originally Posted By: Turi Giuliano
Let's be fair Caemine, you came in quite aggressively defensive over something that not many people have an interest in - advertising/marketing. I appreciate your wife may do some good work in it but in honesty I would be happy if I never saw an ad ever again. That's no disrespect to your wife but it's my honest feeling.

Perhaps we should get back on topic. Football.

I love football turi. She coordinated a lot of campaigns PSAs (public service announcements) for controversial issues such as Gay Marriage.

Brilliant and it's great to hear. I truly hope it makes a difference, we need less intolerance in this world.

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
As we digress....and Ambassador Turi lends a calming hand (what a guy), it is an interesting topic. In many walks of life technology, money and sport seem to collide. We as humans love to play like puppies, yet we have many sophisticated sports. Technology makes the simple and innocent into something complicated and strips it down. The Sloooooooooooooooow, motionnnnnnnnnnnnn, replaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay; from every angle. Do we really need referees and judges? I think not. Cameras, lasers and computers can do the job. Then there is the cash. Where there is sport-hype there is cash. Where there is cash, there is corruption. Can the three co-exist? Contentiously.

True, the money element has gotten ridiculously out of hand, especially over here with our football [soccer] where we're still crawling out of a double dip recession yet players continue to request bigger contracts? Completely separating themselves from the regular person. I assume it's not that different over there. (I.E A-Rod "fighting for his life"? Really? After all those millions you've earned?

Gotta admit I love the slow mo stuff though smile

So die all who betray Giuliano