Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011

We both know what the military of any country does in the countries they invade. To me, a child shot dead by a sadistic soldier is an argument that outweighs everything that you or anybody else can say in their defense. To make my opinion clearer, I don't care about which country is the attacker and which country is under attack, if it's communism against capitalism, Islam vs Christianity etc. KILLING INNOCENTS IS BAD. PERIOD.

Seems like you have got it down to a mathematical precision what is right and what is wrong. So let me ask you this, when when an enemy is willing to run a couple of commercial airliners into a building and kill thousands of innocent people because the people in the country dont believe in Allah, are they worse than the country who has a soldier who kills one innocent child? Or are they equally bad?

Its good that you think that killing children is bad, so do i. It just so happens that the people we are fighting against happen to use children as shields and then point the finger at us. But you got it down to a science what is good and what is bad. You should be running a country. Its just so simple aint it.

Your such a "deep" thinker. Your like every philosophy major that I met in college. Everybody is else is closed minded but you right?

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 08/08/13 05:32 PM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.