I support Putin on this issue. It's not gays who are the problem, the 'gay-rights propagandizers' are as it was explained by Putin.

Russia’s contentious law was signed by President Vladimir Putin in late June, imposing fines on individuals accused of spreading “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” to minors, and even proposing penalties for those who express these views online or in the news media. Gay pride rallies also are banned.

This law is a reaction to agressive propaganda of LGBT ideology (to give it a name) by gay activists or whatever you want to call them. As I said, the majority of people in EE are against it or at least indefferent to such propaganda - the so-called 'progressive' ideas from the West have not managed to permeate the society in such a way as in Western Europe, although they're of course present to some extent. Well, it's not only EE, I would dare to say that also a significant part of southern Europe has been equally reluctant to accept these ideas. I know this is not the case in Germany and northern Europe.

Anyway, LGBT rights activists, feminist groups and all kinds of NGOs working in such environments are becomming more and more bitter and agressive because they're beginning to understand that no matter how much they try, there's still going to be a huge part of population that is either against them or doesn't give a f???. They're extremely self-righteous and simply don't accept other views on this issue, so they often resort to mocking the opposition and primitive provocations which creates this athmosphere of "kulturkampf" and even further alienates them from more conservative part of the population.

The worst thing about them is that they're full of hypocrisy. These activists pretend to be some sort of 'oppressed revolutionaries', but in reality they're unconditionally supported by the 'elites'. They have the backing of the media which is parroting almost anything they say and which accuses any alleged "homophobe" of being against 'human rights' and stuff like that - that's what they always do, resort to hysteria and emotions. How is one supposed to defend himself when publicly accused of being against human rights or being a homophobe? If you don't have means to write an essay-long answer and publish it somewhere where it will actually be read and heard, you can't really do anything.

It's no secret that gay rights activists and propagandists are financed and protected by the political 'elites' of particular countries (with exceptions like Belarus and Russia of course), the EU and also by organizations like NED ("National Endowment for Democracy"). Take those FEMEN activists for example, it's nothing but a deliberate provocation. All kinds of institutions from the West finance and support such groups and observe how the local populations react to such provocations, in other words, they're basically experimenting with people and their emotions. Provocateurs vandalize churches and monuments (FEMEN activists demolished a cross which was dedicated to the victims of holodomor in Ukraine, for example, a despicable and disgusting act) and call it 'political activism' and when the state (rightfully so) takes measures against it, bunch of hysterical westerners protest with some empty rhetoric about human rights.

It's loathsome how such people resort to 'petite-bourgeoisie' hyper-moralizing and hysteria about homophobia on one side, only to change into complete ultra-militant fanatics when the discussion is about the Catholic Church (or Orthodox Churches) or anything that derives from traditional patriarchal society. I hate such double standards.

Another problem with LGBT ideology is that it always comes together with a particular form of eurocentrism and some form of 'racism'. When the adherents of this ideology cite examples which supposedly confirm that their 'values' are completely normal, they always mention some western/northern European countries (they often do this here in countries that are 'not so progressive' by their standards). "They have this law in Sweden, that law in Holland etc." The vast majority of the world doesn't have such laws and doesn't know about any 'gay rights', but for them this isn't important because this tiny part of the world somehow knows better as if (northern) Europeans were some sort of "herrenvolk". Of course, they'll never say anything like this, but this would be the only circumstance in which their argument would make sense so they're in a way implicitly saying just that. They have this patronizing attitude to islamic countries and more conservative parts of Europe, as if we were still living in the 19th century and have to be 'civilized' by the 21st century progressivists.

The truth is rather the opposite, for centuries now Europe has been a sick continent and all the sick ideologies which created so much evil originate from western Europe - jacobinism, (scientific) racism, eugenics, euthanasia, social darwinism, marxism, nazism etc. - needless to say, all of them were hailed as progressive when introduced, so having a 'progressive' ideology is not a good thing per se. This LGBT obsession and hysteria is just the latest fashion but it is from the same source. So it's only natural that people are sceptical about it. I mean, those gay rights groups hand out propaganda flyers to children in schools where they can read that "gender doesn't exist" and similar sick nonsense. I don't see this as something normal, sorry.

So it's not about the gays as such but about this agressive ideology which viciously attacks what the majority of the population respects. Many people practice gay lifestyle but don't want to have anything to do with this LGTB parade circus.

Last edited by Slava; 08/07/13 02:42 PM.