Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[quote]Originally posted by Krlea:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
Originally posted by Double-J:
Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens [/b][/quote]The point is Senza Mamma, that you or I don't have a clue how "innocent" Cat Stevens is. There's a reason he is on the no-fly list. I don't care if they put the pope on a no-fly list, I wouldent fly with him....well ok maybe the Pope [/b][/quote]Someone here certainly doesn't have a clue, but its not Senza Mama.

Yusuf Islam, formerly the singer Cat Stevens, was deported from the United States because of a spelling error, with US officials confusing the former pop star with a man with a similar name who is on a "no-fly" list, Time magazine claims.


Ok I admit your post mad me burst out laughing , but I swear D.V.'s post about that info was not there when I posted. We must have been posting at the same time. And my point does still stand, if their on a no fly list then they shouldent fly. Nobody said they system was perfect, but I'd rather have it be a little off then not there at all.